RoW Data Roaming Unbilled Usage Report

This report provides a near real time view of unbilled roaming data detected from our network, allowing you to monitor usage volumes and locations of connections currently roaming to help avoid any bill shocks. Please note that all timestamps are in UTC time zone.

All the timestamps from Vodafone Roaming Services (VRS) for worry-free roaming (WFR) are displayed in the UTC time zone.

To view the RoW Data Roaming Unbilled Usage Report

  1. From the VTR menu, choose Reporting.
  2. On the Reporting page, under Red - Worry Free Roaming, click the Run button on the RoW Data Roaming Unbilled Usage Report tile.
  3. On the report filters page that appears, select criteria to narrow the result set.
  4. It is recommended that you set filters on the report, as VTR supports a maximum of 350,000 rows.
  5. Review the RoW Data Roaming Unbilled Usage Report's data, as described below:
  6. Modify the report page layout in real time to see the data in the sort order and column order you want.
  7. (Optional) Export the report. See Export a report.
  8. (Optional) Schedule the report. See Schedule reports.
Depending on your configuration, certain data may be masked to ensure privacy. For more information, see Understanding call masking.
If your administrator has enabled data slicing, then your reports will also be restricted to only those accounts to which you have been given access.