Spend & Usage Detail Report

This detail report returns billing information by region, country, account number, invoice number and invoice dates; however, it drills down into bill detail information at the service number level. The Spend & Usage Detail report provides pre-defined filters on key data elements allowing for more accurate data analysis.

The report is pre-filtered for services that record charges in calls, data, messages, recurring, non-recurring, hardware, adjustments, credits, or other.

To view the Spend & Usage Detail Report

  1. From the VTR menu, choose Reporting.
  2. On the Reporting page, under Spend & Usage Detail Reporting, click the Run button on the Spend & Usage Detail Report tile.
  3. On the report filters page that appears, select criteria to narrow the result set.
  4. It is recommended that you set filters on the report, as VTR supports a maximum of 350,000 rows.

    Invoice start date and Invoice end date are required filters: you must set this range of dates to run the report. By default, the date range is one month.

  5. Review the Spend & Usage Detail Data, as described below:
  6. Modify the report page layout in real time to see the data in the sort order and column order you want.
  7. (Optional) Export the report. See Export a report.
Depending on your configuration, certain data may be masked to ensure privacy. For more information, see Understanding call masking.
If your administrator has enabled data slicing, then your reports will also be restricted to only those accounts to which you have been given access.